You will find the answer from the lists below for most of the common issues you might encounter. We will provide additional answers if you let us know of any unsolved issues that are not addressed below.

1. Are all Convertpdftoword.com services free?

Yes. It's free. This service can be used free of charge by everyone, regardless of firms, public organizations, and individuals. All users do not need to purchase a separate license to use Convertpdftoword.com.

2. Do you keep a copy of my processed files?

Absolutely not. We won’t check, copy or analyze your files in any way. While your files are in our servers, they are strictly secured and no one can access them. All file processing is done by machine and there is no human interaction with your files. We just keep them for a maximum of 1 hours so you can download them. Right after, they are completely removed forever from our servers. You can also delete the document by yourself at the end of each conversion.

For more information, please read our privacy policy.

3. Are company files safe with your service?

Yes. All uploads use https/SSL and include our end-to-end encryption for further privacy. These additional steps increase security and satisfy most corporate data privacy policies. Put simply, your data is processed as safely as possible. We comply with EU Data Protection Regulation, which is one of the strictest safety standards in the world (GDPR).

4. The conversion failed. It takes too long.

It occurs most often for three reasons.

a. When the program can’t complete the process, usually browser extensions are the problem. Make sure you have all browser extensions disabled when using our service. If that doesn’t work try to use a different browser. In almost all cases this will solve the problem.

b. User data has an unsupported file type or abnormal data states.

c. Processing speed depends on many factors, so the time that will take you to get your files converted will depend as well on your own Internet connection speed, the size of the selected files and, mostly, on how busy our servers are. Default server work processing time is 3 minutes. You might get the error because of a heavy workload that exceeds 3 minutes.

5. I'd like to know the supported file formats.

Currently, nine types of file formats as shown in the table below are supported.
PDFPortable Document Format
DOCMicrosoft Word Binary File Format
DOCXMicrosoft Word Open XML Document
RTFRich Text Format
DOTMicrosoft Word Document Template File
DOTMMicrosoft Office Open XML Format Template with Macros Enabled
DOCMWord Open XML Macro-Enabled Document
DOTXWord Open XML Document Template
ODTOpenDocument Text Document

6. The message "This link is expired" appears.

The system deletes the converted file one hour after file conversion. The above message will be displayed when the deleted file is requested. The same message is displayed when the user deletes the file by clicking the "Delete it now" button.

7. What are your system requirements?

We have very basic system requirements. To run smoothly our tools, we recommend you to work with the following browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Explorer +10 and Safari. If at any point would you experience issues within the download screen, we recommend you to set your browser to Incognito mode.

8. Why does the original PDF look different in output Word?

PDF and Microsoft Office and other document formats are completely different document formats. Word Converter converts PDF files into editable Word documents using a feature called PDF Reflow. PDF to Word conversion works best for files containing mainly text, such as business, legal, and scientific documents. If the PDF is mostly made up of charts or other graphics, the entire page may be displayed as an image. In this case, the text cannot be edited. Sometimes the element is not detected, in which case the converted Word document and the original PDF file do not match.

9. Which document elements don't convert well?

There are several factors known to cause problems when converting PDFs to Word format. The PDF contains the following elements:
  1. Tables with cell spacing

  2. Page colors and page borders

  3. Tracked changes

  4. Frames

  5. Footnotes that span more than one page

  6. Endnotes

  7. Audio, video, and PDF active elements

  8. PDF bookmarks

  9. PDF tags

  10. PDF comments

  11. Font effects, like Glow or Shadow (in the Word file, the effects are represented by graphics)

10. Can anyone else see the files I convert?

Absolutely not. All files are private.

11. What security precautions do you take?

All of our hardware runs in world-class, highly secure data centers utilizing state-of-the art electronic surveillance and multi-factor access control systems. All traffic to and from our servers is secured by transport level security using 128 bit SSL to encrypt the data sent between your systems and ours.

12. I have found a security issue, how do I report it?

If you believe you have found a potential security issue or vulnerability with any of Convertpdftoword.com's services we want to hear from you - please email us at support@onlinepdfconverter.com.

13. Does Convertpdftoword.com offer file conversion REST API services for developers?

No, Convertpdftoword.com is designed for end-users and does not provide REST API. However, we have recently received lots of inquiries about REST API, and we are currently developing REST API services for commercial use. The service will be notified separately when the development is complete.