How to Convert a PDF to a Word Document

PDFs are often used when distributing documents so that all parties can view them on all platforms in the same way. Anyone can open PDFs, whether they are using Windows, Mac, iPhone or Android. Because it is designed in this way, it can be very difficult to edit. You can convert a PDF to a Word document to make it easier to change the text.

How to use?

Online PDF Word Converter can convert PDF to Docx in seconds and perform the necessary edits. PDF Word Converter is free and you can use it online whenever you need it. Let's see how to convert PDFs to Word step by step.
  1. On our website, navigate to our PDF to Word converter tool.
  2. Click the Select a file button above, or drag and drop a PDF into the drop zone.
  3. When the upload is complete, it will automatically convert the file.
  4. Click the download button to save the converted Word document.

How does conversion work?

PDF and Microsoft Office and other document formats are completely different document formats. Word Converter converts PDF files into editable Word documents using a feature called PDF Reflow. PDF to Word conversion works best for files containing mainly text, such as business, legal, and scientific documents. If the PDF is mostly made up of charts or other graphics, the entire page may be displayed as an image. In this case, the text cannot be edited. Sometimes the element is not detected, in which case the converted Word document and the original PDF file do not match.

Which document elements don't convert well?

There are several factors known to cause problems when converting PDFs to Word format. The PDF contains the following elements:
Document elements
Tables with cell spacing
Page colors and page borders
Tracked changes
Footnotes that span more than one page
Audio, video, and PDF active elements
PDF bookmarks
PDF tags
PDF comments
Font effects, like Glow or Shadow (in the Word file, the effects are represented by graphics)